Has your elderly loved one been
diagnosed with cancer? No matter what type of cancer they have, there are going to be symptoms that are tough for your elderly loved one to deal with. Fortunately, there have been many cancer studies done that show which treatments are most effective. When you or an in-home care provider take your elderly loved one to their doctor, the doctor can prescribe the best treatments for your elderly loved one’s case.

In-Home Care Marietta GA – In-Home Care for Managing Cancer in the Elderly
It is good to know that treatments aren’t the only things that can help your elderly loved one if they have cancer. There are some things that you and in-home care providers can help with, too.
Offering Companionship
If your elderly loved one has cancer, they are going to need all the support that you, their friends, family members, and in-home care providers can offer. Most people who are diagnosed with cancer, especially senior citizens, feel so alone after their diagnosis. Be there as much as you can for your elderly loved one, so they don’t feel like they have to fight this diagnosis on their own. If you can’t be there, don’t hesitate to get in-home care providers there for your elderly loved one.
Helping with Errands and Activities
There are going to be days where your elderly loved one doesn’t feel like or physically can’t do certain errands or activities. When this happens, they need to know that someone is around to help them out. Some things that you or in-home care providers may need to help your elderly loved one with include:
- Grocery shopping
- Preparing and making meals
- Getting their mail
- Picking up prescriptions
It may be a good idea to designate a certain person to help with each task. That way, your elderly loved one doesn’t have to worry that things aren’t getting done.
Giving Medication and Appointment Reminders
No matter what type of cancer your elderly loved one has, they are going to have medications to take and appointments to attend. It is vital they aren’t missing either of these things. You and care providers can work together to get your elderly loved one to and from their appointments and tests. You can also call to give your elderly loved one medication reminders, as well.
Getting Help from In-Home Care Providers
These are just some of the ways that you can help your elderly loved one if they have a cancer diagnosis. Make sure they know you are there for them and help as much as you can. Get in-home care providers to help, as well.
Sources: https://medlineplus.gov/cancer.html
If you or an aging loved-one is considering In-Home Care Services in Marietta GA please contact the caring staff at CaraVita Home Care today. (770) 643-1712