Last month, the FDA approved the sale of certain air-conduction
hearing aids available at traditional retail and drug stores. These hearing aids could be available in stores as early as mid-October.

Elder Care Roswell GA – Over-the-Counter Hearing Aids without Exam Approved by FDA
Air conduction hearing aids are one of the most common types of hearing aid and you’ve probably seen them around. They are the type that is worn behind or inside the ear in the ear canal. They often are worn just when needed but some styles may require fitting. The hearing aids approved for OTC sale by the FDA, however, are ones that would not need to be fitted and monitored by an audiologist.
Information for this article was acquired from the following articles:
McKnight’s Home Care – FDA Approves Over the Counter Hearing Aids and
The Hearing House. Please refer to those sites for more information.
If you or an aging loved one is considering Elder Care Services in Roswell GA please contact the caring staff at CaraVita Home Care today. (770) 643-1712