Now that the weather is starting to get chilly it’s important for seniors who like to take morning
walks to make sure they are ready to go out in the cold. Even when the day warms up those early mornings can be chilly. Seniors that have
24-hour home care services may want to have their morning caregiver help them get ready for their morning walks so that they won’t get cold while they are walking. Seniors with 24-hour home care may also suggest that their caregiver goes with them on walks to make sure they are safe in the early morning darkness.
Some other great tips for seniors and their 24-hour home care providers for walking on chilly fall mornings are:
Stay Visible

24-Hour Home Care Marietta GA – Cool Weather Walking Tips For Seniors Living At Home
The early fall mornings will be dark, and it’s very important that seniors make themselves visible to passing cars. Seniors may not always be able to get out of the way of a moving vehicle as quickly as necessary so staying visible to avoid accidents is critical. Seniors should wear reflective safety vests, reflective bracelets, and hats, or they should put reflective tape on their clothing and shoes. Seniors may also want to consider wearing a miner’s lamp when they are walking. The miner’s lamp will make them more visible and also light up the ground so they can see where they are walking.
Change Your Route
Seniors may need to change their routes during the fall and winter. If your senior loved one usually walks on a busy street it may not be safe for them to walk on that road in the dark of the early fall mornings. Changing their route to a less busy street or a street that has good sidewalks may be a good thing for seniors to do so that they have a lower risk of getting into an accident if cars can’t see them. Walking on hiking trails or walking trails in their neighborhood is a great way for seniors to walk safely also.
Wear Shoes With Good Tread And Dress in Layers
Autumn weather can cause treacherous walking conditions. Wet leaves can be extremely slippery. Autumn rains can create a lot of mud. It’s important for seniors to wear shoes with deep wide treads that will really grip the ground so they don’t fall. Depending on where your senior loved one lives they may be better off wearing hiking boots or walking boots instead of sneakers. In the late fall when leaves are everywhere seniors may also want to carry a walking stick or cane to help them walk without slipping and falling.
Seniors who are out walking in the chilly weather should be dressing in layers of light natural fiber clothing. That way they can adjust their body temperature by putting on or taking off layers. A good windbreaker is essential to keep off that fall wind. Seniors may also want to wear clothing designed for walking because that will be made of material that is breathable and waterproof.
If you or an aging loved one is considering 24-Hour Home Care Services in Marietta GA please contact the caring staff at CaraVita Home Care today. (770) 643-1712