June is Great Outdoors Month and with the weather getting nicer it’s a fantastic time for seniors to get outside and enjoy some sunshine and nice weather. Just make sure that your senior loved one is always wearing sunblock when they’re outside. There are dozens of fun outdoor activities that seniors can do no matter what their current level of fitness is. If they have
in-home care services, their aides can assist them in many activities.
Some of the most fun easy outdoor activities that seniors can enjoy this summer are:

In-Home Care Alpharetta GA – Easy Outdoor Activities Seniors Can Enjoy
Geocaching is a fun hobby that will get seniors outdoors and give them something fun to do. When your senior parent joins a local geocaching group they join other people who spend their time looking for strategically placed packages, treasure boxes, and other items that are hidden by other members of the group or even another group. Geocachers are given clues that they must solve to find the location of the parcels. If your senior parent needs in-home care, a care provider can go with them on these treasure hunts to make sure they don’t get lost.
Rock Drops
There are also local groups that take part in the fun and uplifting hobby of painting rocks and leaving them in various spots around town. People drop clues in an online group to help others find the rocks that they have painted. When someone finds a painted rock they leave one of their own. Or they can hide rocks they’ve painted in other locations. Rock drops give seniors the fun of painting rocks when the weather is bad or when it’s too hot to be outside. Then they can enjoy being outdoors and hiding their rocks all over town. There are lots of local groups that participate in rock drops, especially in the summer, so there will be plenty of opportunities for your senior parent to find some of these painted rocks.
Seniors who are a little fitter will enjoy playing Pickleball. Pickleball is a very popular sport that is kind of like a cross between tennis, badminton, and ping-pong. It’s a game that seniors love and there are lots of active seniors leagues for seniors to play in. Getting out to the local park to play pickleball will give your senior parent some fun exercise and socialization with friends. If your senior parent has in-home care, their care provider can make sure they get to the park or gym safely to play.
Outdoor Fitness Classes
Outdoor fitness classes give seniors the benefits of exercise and the benefits of being outdoors. Outdoor yoga and Tai Chai classes where seniors are actively stretching and moving in the great outdoors are fantastic for improving a senior’s flexibility while also improving their mood and mental health. Look on the local park’s activity schedule for classes for seniors in the park or check with your senior parent’s local senior center to find out when there are outdoor activity classes for seniors in the park.
If you or an aging loved one is considering In-Home Care Services in Alpharetta GA please contact the caring staff at CaraVita Home Care today. (770) 643-1712