CaraVita means “Life care of the precious” and this is not just the care of our clients and residents but for our caregivers and other staff as well. The case management team at CaraVita has been hard at work ensuring that not only are our clients being matched with the right caregiver for their needs, but also that our clients and caregivers feel seen and recognize the critical part they play in our lives.

In-Home Care Roswell GA - The Core of CaraVita

In-Home Care Roswell GA – The Core of CaraVita

Our case management team has a love for the seniors in our communities and it shows through the meaningful engagement visits that they conduct weekly with our clients. CaraVita is blessed to have Iyanna Bailey, Brianna Green, and Leona Word making up our case management team.

Leona is the newest member of our case management team so we checked in with her about experiences during her meaningful engagement visits with her clients.

Here’s what she had to say: “I’ve been completing meaningful engagement visits for the last three weeks. Clients are happy to meet me face-to-face as most of the time we speak on the telephone… I believe that the more we interact with our clients, we fortify the connections we have while establishing new ones. I have engaged with clients and their spouses proving to build long-lasting connections.”

When asked about the impression these visits leave on the caregivers, Leona told us, “Caregivers also, whom I haven’t met before are surprised to see me when I arrive. I’ve been providing the care staff members with gift cards within personalized greeting cards… most times the face-to-face interaction along with the small trinkets of appreciation help them have good days while with our clients. Also, they know we are here for them as we are working to make them feel appreciated.”

Join me in giving a big thank you to our case management team! The impact from the work you do every day creates a lasting impact not only on each client and caregiver but on our greater community as well.

If you or an aging loved one is considering In-Home Care Services in Roswell GA please get in touch with the caring staff at CaraVita Home Care today. (770) 643-1712 
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