In-home care is one way to ensure that your parents age at home in the manner they desire. In-home care aides help them remain independent without risking their safety. That’s just the start of the decisions your parents need to make as they get older.

In-Home Care Marietta GA - Get Talking on National Healthcare Decisions Day

In-Home Care Marietta GA – Get Talking on National Healthcare Decisions Day

April 16 is National Healthcare Decisions Day. Your entire family needs to sit down and discuss your parents’ wishes and needs. Why include everyone? If something happens, you, your brothers, and your sisters should know what your mom and dad would and wouldn’t want to happen.

Do They Have Legal Protections in Place?

Are legal protections in place in case of an emergency? If your dad is in an accident and won’t recover, would he want to be on life support? If your mom has Alzheimer’s and has passed the point where she can make decisions on her own, do you know if she has a DNR or not? If not, you may need to choose for her. Do you know what she’d want? Make sure your parents have talked to an attorney about their wishes. They need to have an advance directive or living will in place. They should also talk about the importance of financial and medical powers of attorney.

How Is Their Health?

Are your parents healthy? Many older adults have one or more chronic health conditions like high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or arthritis. Are they taking prescription medications to control that condition? If they are taking prescription medications, it’s essential to ask if they’re easily able to afford the drugs or if it’s a struggle. Do they remember to take them, or do they frequently forget?

What Happens If…Can In-Home Care Help?

It’s hard to look at the negative, but it’s also important. Be sure to run different scenarios where care needs would change. If your mom fell and broke her hip, would she want your brother helping her with showers, or would she prefer an in-home care aide?

If your dad had to give up driving due to vision changes, would he want to rely on you or another driver for rides? Do you have the time available to drive him to weekly appointments and meetings? What about when he has errands to run?

Make sure you keep your mom and dad’s powers of attorney and advance directives or living wills in a safe place. When they need in-home care, it’s vital to go over their wishes with their caregivers. If an emergency occurs and you’re not there, the caregiver could relay information until you arrive. Call or in-home care agency to find out more about care plans as you age.

If you or an aging loved-one is considering In-Home Care Services in Marietta GA please contact the caring staff at CaraVita Home Care today. (770) 643-1712
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