If your senior parent has been diagnosed with diabetes and they’re living alone they may need some help adjusting to life with diabetes. After being diagnosed with diabetes seniors need to make some big lifestyle changes and get in a good medication routine to keep their blood sugar under control. Senior home care providers can help. With an experienced senior home care provider to help them your senior parent can learn more about diabetes and how they can manage it.

A senior home care provider will also help your senior parent make the lifestyle changes that are necessary to manage diabetes like:

Learning Their Triggers

Senior Home Care Marietta GA - How Senior Home Care Helps Seniors Manage Diabetes

Senior Home Care Marietta GA – How Senior Home Care Helps Seniors Manage Diabetes

Every senior that has diabetes has particular foods that impact their blood sugar more than others. For some seniors, carbs must be avoided, while some seniors can eat limited carbs. It may take your senior parent some time to figure out what foods trigger a spike in their blood sugar.

A senior home care provider can help your senior parent identify foods that increase their blood sugar and document those foods. They can also help your senior parent identify foods that don’t impact their blood sugar so your senior parent knows the foods they can eat.

Changing Their Diet

Making changes in their diet is very difficult for a lot of seniors. Your mom or dad will have to break eating patterns that they’ve had for decades, or maybe their entire lives. A home care provider can help your mom or dad learn how to eat healthy meals that are mostly plant-based with some lean protein and other healthy elements.

It won’t be easy, but embracing a healthy diet is the best thing that your senior parent can do to manage their diabetes. A home care provider can help them make small consistent changes to their diet so they keep eating healthy.

Getting More Exercise

It’s also important for seniors with diabetes to move more, which can be difficult for seniors with health conditions or limited mobility. But home care can help seniors move more by encouraging them to get up and walk around, helping them with physical therapy exercises, or playing games and doing activities with them that are designed to get them moving.

Getting To Medical Appointments

Seniors who have diabetes will need to go to regular medical appointments to get their blood sugar and weight checked and to see if the medication they are taking is helping to stabilize their blood sugar. If you can’t always take your senior parent to medical appointments senior home care can. Your senior parent will have a trusted caregiver with them to drive them to their appointment and take them home.

Getting Better Sleep

Getting quality sleep is also part of managing diabetes, and many seniors don’t get enough sleep. Senior home care can help your senior parent develop healthy nighttime routines that include habits like going to bed early so that they are getting the sleep they need.

If you or an aging loved one is considering Senior Home Care Services in Marietta GA please get in touch with the caring staff at CaraVita Home Care today. (770) 643-1712 
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