Most seniors can stay at home quite comfortably as they age. But the family home might need some
updating and upgrading to make it safe for your senior parent. If your parent has been living in their house for many years they may not even realize how many changes can be made to the home that will make life much easier as they get older. And planning ahead for potential mobility problems and other health-related problems can save a lot of time and money. Having
elder care providers will also make life easier for your loved one.
If your senior parent has decided they want to age in place some of the best home renovations to make a home senior-friendly are:
A First Floor Suite

Elder Care Marietta GA – Home Renovations That Will Make Any Home Perfect For A Senior Parent
If your senior parent’s primary bedroom is on the second or third floor of the home it’s essential to create a primary suite on the main floor. While your senior parent may be able to handle the stairs just fine right now in the years to come they may not. Even if they physically can walk up and down the stairs having to navigate stairs when they’re tired can lead to dangerous falls. As soon as your senior parent has committed to staying in the family home as they get older start planning a renovation to create a senior-friendly bedroom and bathroom on the first floor.
Wall-To-Wall Carpeting
Installing wall-to-wall carpeting serves several different purposes for seniors. Soft and padded carpet gives seniors a soft surface to fall on if they fall at home. The thick carpet and padding will lower the risk of your senior loved one having broken bones or serious injuries from a fall. Having wall-to-wall carpeting also will help insulate the house and keep it warmer in the winter. And it decreases the chances that your senior loved one will slip on the smooth floor and fall. Getting wall-to-wall carpeting installed is a smart investment.
Widen Doorways
If your senior parent’s home was built decades ago the doorways are probably quite narrow. That was the custom back then and those doorways have likely never been updated. Your senior parent may need a wheelchair or a walker or some other mobility aid in the future and the doorways must be wide enough to accommodate the device. It’s a good idea to talk to a contractor now about widening the doorways in case your senior parent needs that in the future.
Move Laundry To Main Floor for Your Loved One and Their Elder Care Aides
In many older family homes, the laundry is in the basement. That won’t work for seniors. Even if your parent has elder care services that include help with the laundry, it should still be moved. Sometimes your senior parent may need to do laundry on their own when the elder care provider isn’t there. And getting to and from the basement with a load of laundry is likely going to be too much for your senior parent. Get the washer and dryer moved to somewhere on the main floor so that they’re easy for your senior parent and the elder care provider to access.
If you or an aging loved one is considering Elder Care Services in Marietta GA please contact the caring staff at CaraVita Home Care today. (770) 643-1712